Saturday, September 17, 2011

Logan is 2 months old!!!

We can't believe our baby boy is already 2 months old!  He has grown so much and is constantly changing.  He is getting really good at holding his head up (thanks to all the tummy time his mommy makes him do) and he is smiling and laughing all the time.  We love him more and more every day and are so thankful he is in our lives!
 Logan and Superbear!
 Something must have been funny!
My handsome baby!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Grammy Comes to Visit and Alex's 4th Birthday Party

We were so excited when my mom told us she was going to come to Phoenix to celebrate my nephew, Alex's, 4th birthday with us!  Every time my mom would talk to Logan, he would laugh and giggle, it was so cute!  We can't wait for Grammy to come back and visit! My sister is much better at taking pictures than I am, I always forget.  Visit her blog for more pics from my mom's trip to AZ!
 Smiles for Grammy!
My sister's dog wanted in the picture... he makes Logan look like a little peanut!
 More smiles for Grammy.  All dressed up and ready for the party!
 My little man and me!
 Am I cute or what?!?!?
 I'm having a blast :)
 I know, I have long toes.... like my mommy!
 Happy 4th Birthday Alex!  We love you so much and can't believe you are 4 already!  I remember the day you were born like it was yesterday.  
 Time to climb....
 Hugs for Grammy!
 Our friend, Ty, couldn't wait to hold Logan.  Tri and I met at Ty's house and got engaged at his house too!  
 My friend Michelle's daughter, Anessa wanted to hold Logan too.  I love that they are looking at each other!
 Time for cake!
 Make a wish...
 Michelle loves babies and loves holding the little guy. I made Amy get in the picture too.
 Daddy and his mini me!
Nap time... of course Rudy is right there!

Logan's first Saints Game

For those who don't know, Tri grew up in New Orleans and is a huge Saints fan.  Whenever there is Saints game, he will wear a Saints jersey.  I guess this one didn't bring them any luck.
 Sleeping on daddy while he watched the game.
Maybe Logan will be awake for the next game :)

Meeting Lisa and Peter!

My good friend, Lisa, and her husband, Peter, were in town on their way to go to the Grand Canyon.  Logan and I picked them up and we went to lunch at LGO.... it was so yummy!  Logan slept most of the time but when he woke up, Lisa and Peter couldn't wait to hold him.  We hope to see Lisa and Peter again soon!
 Logan with Auntie Lisa!  
 Logan enjoying lunch with Lisa and Peter.
I love this picture... They are totally looking at each other!  It's funny because usually men are scared to hold little babies, not Peter, he was a natural!

Play Date with Brandon

I met my friend Shawnda at the JCL Black Tie event this year.  We were both pregnant, our husbands work together and we share the same last name!  We hit it off instantly and couldn't wait to get our boys together for play dates.  Her son, Brandon, is about 7 weeks older than Logan. We look forward to many play dates in the future!
 I don't think Logan was very happy here.... maybe he thought Brandon was ignoring him... ha ha!

 Rudy wanted to get in the picture.
I have no idea what the boys are looking at :)
Logan was pooped out from his play date.

Meeting Chu Tam!

Tri's uncle Tam (Chu Tam) was out of town for business when Logan was born.  Him and his family came over to see all of us and brought us yummy Vietnamese food for dinner.  Thim Han couldn't get enough of our little man!
 Logan and Chu Tam
 Thim Han wanted to hold Logan all night.  If he was fussing, he would stop as soon as she picked him up. Maybe she can come over at 3 am and help us :)  ha ha!
Logan sleeping on cousin Trang.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Uncle Bruce & Aunt Judy Come to Visit

 Evan wanted to be held too
 Logan loves cousin Katie
 He's still looking at Katie
 Logan started crying & Alex & Evan were trying to help him, it was so cute!
 Logan & Judy
 Bruce, Logan, Judy, Katie & George
Taking some time to hang out with my little buddy!
Look at that head control!

 Silly Eban!
 Every time Marcy holds Logan in front of Evan, he wants to be held too.
 Moosie checking out the little guy
  I don't think Logan was very happy here
 Rudy trying to get some chex mix from Bruce & Evan
 My favorite picture from their visit!
 Me & my little guy!  I love him so much!
 Sleeping on Auntie Marcy!
 Alex is probably helping Judy with the iPad in this picture.
 Evan is really enjoying the cake!
Logan loved meeting Bruce and Judy!  Come back and visit ANY TIME!