Saturday, September 3, 2011

Uncle Bruce & Aunt Judy Come to Visit

 Evan wanted to be held too
 Logan loves cousin Katie
 He's still looking at Katie
 Logan started crying & Alex & Evan were trying to help him, it was so cute!
 Logan & Judy
 Bruce, Logan, Judy, Katie & George
Taking some time to hang out with my little buddy!
Look at that head control!

 Silly Eban!
 Every time Marcy holds Logan in front of Evan, he wants to be held too.
 Moosie checking out the little guy
  I don't think Logan was very happy here
 Rudy trying to get some chex mix from Bruce & Evan
 My favorite picture from their visit!
 Me & my little guy!  I love him so much!
 Sleeping on Auntie Marcy!
 Alex is probably helping Judy with the iPad in this picture.
 Evan is really enjoying the cake!
Logan loved meeting Bruce and Judy!  Come back and visit ANY TIME!

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