Thursday, September 15, 2011

Grammy Comes to Visit and Alex's 4th Birthday Party

We were so excited when my mom told us she was going to come to Phoenix to celebrate my nephew, Alex's, 4th birthday with us!  Every time my mom would talk to Logan, he would laugh and giggle, it was so cute!  We can't wait for Grammy to come back and visit! My sister is much better at taking pictures than I am, I always forget.  Visit her blog for more pics from my mom's trip to AZ!
 Smiles for Grammy!
My sister's dog wanted in the picture... he makes Logan look like a little peanut!
 More smiles for Grammy.  All dressed up and ready for the party!
 My little man and me!
 Am I cute or what?!?!?
 I'm having a blast :)
 I know, I have long toes.... like my mommy!
 Happy 4th Birthday Alex!  We love you so much and can't believe you are 4 already!  I remember the day you were born like it was yesterday.  
 Time to climb....
 Hugs for Grammy!
 Our friend, Ty, couldn't wait to hold Logan.  Tri and I met at Ty's house and got engaged at his house too!  
 My friend Michelle's daughter, Anessa wanted to hold Logan too.  I love that they are looking at each other!
 Time for cake!
 Make a wish...
 Michelle loves babies and loves holding the little guy. I made Amy get in the picture too.
 Daddy and his mini me!
Nap time... of course Rudy is right there!

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