Sunday, October 23, 2011

Logan is 3 months old: Oct 14, 2011

Time is flying by, we can't believe our little pumpkin is already 3 months old. Every day is a blessing and he is constantly changing!  He's starting to actually "like" tummy time and also loves sitting either in the bumbo seat or with help from the boppy or Mommy!  He's smiling and laughing all the time, he's probably laughing at us versus with us!  ha ha!  Logan has made lots of new friends this month at "Mom's on the Move" at Scottsdale Shea and at Stroller Strides.  We love you Logan!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Dinner at the Nguyen's

Last weekend, we went over to Tony, Shawnda and Brandon's house for dinner. Tri and Tony work together and Shawnda and I became good friends while we were pregnant.  Our boys are only a couple months apart and we look forward to many more play dates, dinners, etc together in the future!  Thanks for having us over for a fabulous dinner.  
Quote of the night...
   Tony: "Tri do you use chop-sticks to cook?"
   Tri: "I don't cook."
 Logan and Brandon holding hands... they will hate us for this later!  We couldn't resist posing them!
 The boys looking at Shawnda, she was making silly noises trying to get them to laugh... guess it didn't work.
 Tri and Tony posing like Logan and Brandon
 Tony thought it would be cute to put Brandon's arm around Logan. I think Logan is giving him the evil eye here.
 The 4 Nguyen boys!
Tony and the boys.  Thanks again for a wonderful evening!

Logan's first time at a Vietnamese Restaurant

Tri and I have been going to eat at Saigon Nights, a Vietnamese restaurant in Scottsdale for the past 2 years.  We have gotten to know the owners pretty well and couldn't wait to bring Logan there for them to see, and we wanted to eat their yummy food.  As soon as our food came, Logan wanted to eat too.  The owner, Hien, said "you eat, I'll feed Logan."  That's what I call service!  Hopefully by the time Logan is eating food I will learn to cook more Vietnamese food besides Pho :)

Happy baby!

Logan visits his Daddy at work for the 1st time

On Monday, Sept 26th, I decided that Logan and I should take Tri lunch since it was our 2 year anniversary and I wanted to spend as much time with him as possible.  I think Tri was excited to show off Logan to everyone in his office :)
 Logan with Amy and Christina
 Logan and Uncle John
Thanks for having lunch with us Tri, we had a great time!

Abby & Tri's 2 Year Anniversary Celebration

A lot has changed since Sept 26, 2009.... we now have a beautiful baby boy and wanted to spend our anniversary as a family.  Every year we plan on going to the JW Marriott at Desert Ridge to celebrate our anniversary (we got married there).  Last year Tri and I did a stay-cation there but this year decided to just have dinner there since packing up all of Logan's stuff for a couple evenings wouldn't be the easiest and the hotel guests probably wouldn't want to hear a baby crying in the middle of the night :)  
 Daddy and his mini me :)
 Me and my little man!
 Celebrating 2 years of happiness!
 Our family...  Next year Logan will be able to enjoy the yummy food too!
 I think this says "Happy 2nd Anniversary"
 Walking down the aisle 2 years later, with a stroller! 
Tri's turn to walk down the aisle!