Sunday, October 2, 2011

Dinner at the Nguyen's

Last weekend, we went over to Tony, Shawnda and Brandon's house for dinner. Tri and Tony work together and Shawnda and I became good friends while we were pregnant.  Our boys are only a couple months apart and we look forward to many more play dates, dinners, etc together in the future!  Thanks for having us over for a fabulous dinner.  
Quote of the night...
   Tony: "Tri do you use chop-sticks to cook?"
   Tri: "I don't cook."
 Logan and Brandon holding hands... they will hate us for this later!  We couldn't resist posing them!
 The boys looking at Shawnda, she was making silly noises trying to get them to laugh... guess it didn't work.
 Tri and Tony posing like Logan and Brandon
 Tony thought it would be cute to put Brandon's arm around Logan. I think Logan is giving him the evil eye here.
 The 4 Nguyen boys!
Tony and the boys.  Thanks again for a wonderful evening!

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