Sunday, October 2, 2011

Abby & Tri's 2 Year Anniversary Celebration

A lot has changed since Sept 26, 2009.... we now have a beautiful baby boy and wanted to spend our anniversary as a family.  Every year we plan on going to the JW Marriott at Desert Ridge to celebrate our anniversary (we got married there).  Last year Tri and I did a stay-cation there but this year decided to just have dinner there since packing up all of Logan's stuff for a couple evenings wouldn't be the easiest and the hotel guests probably wouldn't want to hear a baby crying in the middle of the night :)  
 Daddy and his mini me :)
 Me and my little man!
 Celebrating 2 years of happiness!
 Our family...  Next year Logan will be able to enjoy the yummy food too!
 I think this says "Happy 2nd Anniversary"
 Walking down the aisle 2 years later, with a stroller! 
Tri's turn to walk down the aisle!

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