Monday, July 25, 2011

Logan Quoc-Trong Nguyen is here!!! July 14, 2011

When Tri got home from work on Wed, July 13th, I told him my contractions seemed closer together and a little stronger.  He said "lets go to the hospital" and I said "lets eat dinner first."  So after dinner we packed the car and headed to Good Sam.  The nurses told me they were going to discharge me since my contractions weren't really doing anything and then my water broke!  We got admitted to a room and they told us it was going to be a while before we delivered, probably in the morning. At 2 am they told us I was ready to push!  We called my sister, Marcy, and she was in the delivery room by 2:30 am and at 2:58 am our son, Logan was born.  He was 6 lb 2 oz and 18 1/2 inches long.... but most importantly he was a healthy baby and we couldn't love him more!

 Epidural is in, we're good to go!
 My fabulous L & D nurse, JoAnna. I couldn't have done it without her!
Marcy made it, it's time to have this baby. 
He's out after 38 minutes of pushing! 
Hi Logan, I'm your mommy! 
First family photo, not sure if Tri is flexing here or not :) 
Logan already has his daddy wrapped around his fingers. 
 Auntie Marcy with baby Logan.
 Foot print time.

Auntie Marcy must have said something to make Logan smile. 
It's time to move to the next room....
Logan's hungry! 
Logan did not like his first bath, he cried the entire time, it was so sad. 
The nurse did his hair, not sure what I think about it.   
Kendra couldn't wait to come meet Logan! Thanks for visiting us! 
Grammy's here to meet her 3rd grandson! 
Doreen came to visit and couldn't wait to hold him. 
Look at that face. 
Kisses for Logan.
 Am I cute, or what?!?!
 Dr. Lin didn't actually deliver Logan but she was there the next day to meet him. Dr. Lin was so patient with me and Tri throughout the entire pregnancy, we couldn't have done it without her and the rest of the staff at PPA's Scottsdale office!
 Logan with Grammy and Pa
More kisses for Logan 
2 1/2 men. Logan was excited to meet Ken! 

Me and my sweet baby Logan 
Getting dressed to go home. 
Of course he was going to go home in a Superman outfit.  Too bad it was a little big on him :) 
We're ready to go home! 
Me, Logan and nurse Kristin, the best nurse ever!   

 We're home!
Meeting Rudy for the first time. Rudy and Logan share a birthday, July 14! 

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