Friday, January 13, 2012

Christmakah 2011

We were so excited to celebrate Logan's first Chanukah and Christmas with him.  He's pretty lucky to celebrate both holidays!
 Celebrating the 3rd night of Chanukah!
I think he was more interested in playing with his toes than the menorah :)
 The Jew decorating the Christmas tree.
 Our pretty tree!
 Logan (aka Santa) and his Aunt Lien
 Our little Santa on his first Christmas
 I just love both these guys so much!  I'm so happy to have them in my life!
 Stephanie, Tri, Logan (Santa), Alex and me.  We went over to the Chen's house on Christmas morning for breakfast.  Alex was the chef and made blueberry pancakes.  Next year, Logan can enjoy them with us!
 Logan and his cousins
 Uncle Steve and Aunt Lien playing with Logan
 Uncle Steve being silly with Logan
 Ho ho ho.... Merry Christmas!
 Logan reading his new book from Grammy and Pa
 When Tri asked me what I wanted for Chanukah, I had no idea.  Then, my hairdryer died so I told him I wanted a new hairdryer.  I'm very picky about my hairdryers so I picked one out, wrapped it up and opened it on Christmas day... thanks Tri!
 Logan playing with the Chanukah wrapping paper

 Logan enjoying another book from Grammy and Pa

 Happy baby!
 Logan and Rudy playing tug-o-war.  It's been so fun watching their relationship grow since the day we brought Logan home from the hospital.  Logan is always looking for Rudy and loves to pet him, it's so cute!
 Hello paparazzi! 

Santa all tired our from delivering presents to all the boys and girls.  
We hope everyone had a wonderful season!

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