Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Family Photos

While my parents were in town for Thanksgiving, we had family photos taken.  It was nice to get pictures of all of us together, the photographer did a fabulous job!
 The whole gang.
 The photogenic Tyree family
 Our normally happy and all smiles little guy didn't want to smile for the camera.

 My parents and their 3 grandsons.
 I can't believe Alex is 4 years old, I remember the day he was born like it was yesterday.
 Tri, Logan, Evan, Alex and Wes
 Too bad Logan isn't looking.
 Goofy Evan, he's always cracking us up!
 My mom and her little girls :)
 My favorite picture of the 3 of us.
 Maybe we will get a smile....
 Happy baby!
 Serious face again.
Happy Holidays!!! Love, the Nguyens, Tyrees and Bergers

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