Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Logan's First Trip to St. Louis

The Nguyens and the Tyrees headed to St. Louis to celebrate Whitey and Janice's wedding and have a little fun visiting family and friends.  We were very fortunate that there were empty seats on the flights there and back so we were able to take Logan's carseat on the plane.  He was the perfect baby on the plane. He ate, played, slept and didn't cry once.
 At the airport, excited for my first flight!
 Waiting to board the plane.
 All settled in... and sleeping.
 Time to play with daddy!
 This toy looks fun.
 I love mommy.
 Meeting Uncle Normal for the first time.  Logan always has his hands in his mouth, no teeth yet!

We decided to go to a Blues game while we were in St. Louis.  We had a suite which was perfect for the kids.  It was Logan and Tri's first NHL game.  Go Blues!
Logan meeting cousin Erin
 Tri's first professional hockey game.... at age 40!
 Trying to keep my little man warm.
 Logan and Grammy
 Someone looks sleepy.
Tri enjoying all the food.

Logan Meeting Ricki and Sydney!  
 Ricki and I have been best friends since we were 2 years old.  This was my first time meeting her beautiful daughter, Sydney.  She is so freaking cute!
Logan and Sydney playing. 

Whitey and Janice's Wedding Weekend
 Tri and his mini me.  Yes, they are dressed alike, again.  My mom said "I'm going to start worrying if Tri starts wearing bibs."  Ha ha!!
 Logan in a bar!

 Logan and Uncle Wes
 Marcy picked out the cutest outfits for the boys, they looked adorable!  

 My nephews are so cute!
The boys playing with cousin Katie.
 Whitey and Janice's ceremony.

 My amazing parents... looking good!
 My hubby and me.  I couldn't ask for a better man to spend my life with.
 Marcy and Wes.... I LOVE Marcy's dress, she looked so beautiful!
 We stole the step-father of the groom away for a quick pic.
 The Bride and Groom.  Janice looked AMAZING, her dress was gorgeous!  We wish them a lifetime of love and happiness.
 The boys were at home with the sitters, so it was time to PARTY!

 Look who caught the bouquet! 
 Norman and Edye
 Having fun with Uncle Bruce
All bundled up because it was COLD outside!

Sydney's First Birthday Party!
I was so excited when I found out I was going to be in St. Louis for Sydney's first birthday party!  It was so fun watching her eat her cake and play with all the other kids!  
 Logan playing with Emily and Corey's daughter, Reese.  
 The birthday girl and her mommy!
Happy birthday Sydney!

More Fun in St. Louis
 Logan meeting Auntie Betsey!
 Logan loves Grammy and Pa!
 Uncle Bruce being silly with Logan... his minchkin.
 Logan and Auntie Marcy
 Logan playing with the Superman stacks, hopefully next time we are in St. Louis he can eat them :)
 Logan meeting his great grandpa for the first time.  
 We took Alex and Evan bowling, they had never bowled before and they had a blast!  
 I just love my nephews.
 Logan waiting his turn to bowl

 Yes, I beat Marcy by one pin!
 The bowlers... plus Logan
 Logan meeting his great great Aunt Mildred.  
 Alex and Logan... too bad Logan's hand was in his mouth.
 Logan doing his physical therapy and Alex pointing out that Logan is drooling on the ball.
 More PT!
 Evan helping out with bath time.
Pa and baby Logan 
 It was so cute to see all 3 boys hanging out.  I think Alex and Evan had fun playing with Logan.

 I love this face!
 Logan watching Alex and Evan eat breakfast and play on their iPads.
My best friend Michelle happened to be in town from Chicago for a doctor's appointment. She came by the house with her son, Aiden before heading back to Chicago.  I'm so happy for her and her family, Michelle is expecting twins via surrogate in July!  Aiden is going to be the best big brother and these babies are so lucky to have Michelle and Mike as their parents. 

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