Monday, February 20, 2012

Trip to the Phoenix Zoo with the Tyrees and Fangs

Logan and I have gone to the zoo several times with our play group and when Tri told me he had never seen the animals at the Phoenix Zoo, I knew we had to take him!  The Tyrees and Fangs met us there and although it was VERY crowded, we had a blast!
 Logan on the Arizona trail checking out the birds

 Evan helping Tri on the balance beam.
 Evan doing the balance beam
 Evan was so cute looking at the map. 
 Ugly Warthog
 Marcy and Evan on the carousel 
 I like the carousel at the zoo because they have straps for the kids 
 Wes and Alex
 Hi Orangutang 
 Logan loves his Aunt Marcy
 Hi Zebra!

 Hi Tiger!  

Logan loves when Anessa plays with him, I thought it was so cute that they were holding hands.  

Logan loves the Park!

I think Tri gets jealous because I get to experience a lot of fun things with Logan while he is at work.  I kept telling Tri that Logan loves swinging on the swings at the park so he couldn't wait to take Logan to the park on his weekend off of work.
 Hanging out with the little guy at the park 
 Logan enjoying the swing!
 I think this is his "sexy" face :)  ha ha!

 Logan giving the "thumbs up"
 Logan and his daddy!

 Time for the slide with daddy
And now with mommy!  I think I had more fun on the slide than he did.

Wildlife Zoo with the Tyrees

Marcy and Wes wanted to take the boys to the Wildlife Zoo last weekend and Logan and I joined them.  The Wildlife Zoo is really neat because the animals are so close!  We had a blast and can't wait to go back and see the animals again.  Hopefully next time, Tri can join us.
Wes and the boys ready to see the animals.... I think this was the only time they stayed in the wagon.. ha ha!
 Logan enjoying the carousel ride. It's so cute how he knows to grab the pole and hold on.
 Evan and Alex checking out the crocodile. 
 Hanging out with Logan, Alex and the rhinoceros 

 Not sure what Logan is looking at here.  Alex is feeding the giraffe in the background. 
 These pictures are a little out of order.  This is when Logan and I first got to the Tyree's house.  The boys ran over and wanted to show Logan a new app they downloaded on the iPad. 
 Logan playing on the iPad
 Happy Logan!
 I didn't think the animals would be this close, hello kangaroo! 
And now he is even closer!  We had so much fun and can't wait to go back to the Wildlife Zoo.  

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Logan is 7 Months Old!!!

Here are Logan's 7 month pictures, he's getting so much bigger than "Superbear" and really seemed to like sitting in the chair this time.  He now enjoys sitting and playing with toys but can roll/scoot to get to something across the way if he really wants it.  Oh, and we got the good news that he will only need his band/helmet for a few more weeks!!!

Groundhog Day Play Date

Every Thursday has become "play date" day and on Groundhog Day, Lauren and her son, Will hosted a play date at their place.  We brought blankets and toys and let the kids enjoy playing outside, before it gets too hot!  We had a great day with friends!
 Logan playing with Wyatt and Maddie.  I think Wyatt is checking out Logan's helmet in this pic.
 Logan and his buddy Wyatt
 Kara and her beautiful twins, Ava and Grace... I still can't tell them apart and she says they aren't identical.
 Logan and Maddie hanging out
 The kiddos playing
 Kara and Alex are sister-in-laws and their kiddos are only a month or two apart, its so fun watching the kids grow!
 Sanjay is one of the oldest kiddos in the group... he's the first one to crawl and was all over the place. His mommy, Lanka, has her hands full... he's an explorer!
 Sanjay trying to show Logan the football
 I think all the kiddos are in this picture.  Ava & Grace, Wyatt, Cole, Cohen, Carson, Sanjay, Will, Logan, Aryn and Maddie
Thanks Lauren and Will for a great play date!