Monday, February 20, 2012

Trip to the Phoenix Zoo with the Tyrees and Fangs

Logan and I have gone to the zoo several times with our play group and when Tri told me he had never seen the animals at the Phoenix Zoo, I knew we had to take him!  The Tyrees and Fangs met us there and although it was VERY crowded, we had a blast!
 Logan on the Arizona trail checking out the birds

 Evan helping Tri on the balance beam.
 Evan doing the balance beam
 Evan was so cute looking at the map. 
 Ugly Warthog
 Marcy and Evan on the carousel 
 I like the carousel at the zoo because they have straps for the kids 
 Wes and Alex
 Hi Orangutang 
 Logan loves his Aunt Marcy
 Hi Zebra!

 Hi Tiger!  

Logan loves when Anessa plays with him, I thought it was so cute that they were holding hands.  

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