Sunday, February 19, 2012

Groundhog Day Play Date

Every Thursday has become "play date" day and on Groundhog Day, Lauren and her son, Will hosted a play date at their place.  We brought blankets and toys and let the kids enjoy playing outside, before it gets too hot!  We had a great day with friends!
 Logan playing with Wyatt and Maddie.  I think Wyatt is checking out Logan's helmet in this pic.
 Logan and his buddy Wyatt
 Kara and her beautiful twins, Ava and Grace... I still can't tell them apart and she says they aren't identical.
 Logan and Maddie hanging out
 The kiddos playing
 Kara and Alex are sister-in-laws and their kiddos are only a month or two apart, its so fun watching the kids grow!
 Sanjay is one of the oldest kiddos in the group... he's the first one to crawl and was all over the place. His mommy, Lanka, has her hands full... he's an explorer!
 Sanjay trying to show Logan the football
 I think all the kiddos are in this picture.  Ava & Grace, Wyatt, Cole, Cohen, Carson, Sanjay, Will, Logan, Aryn and Maddie
Thanks Lauren and Will for a great play date!

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