Monday, February 13, 2012

Ricki & Sydney Come to Visit

Ricki and I met when we were 2 years old and 29 years later, here we both are... with babies! I was so excited when Ricki told me that her & her daughter, Sydney were going to come visit us. We had a blast and it was fun watching Logan & Sydney interact, they were so cute together. We hope to see them again soon!!!
 Logan & Sydney checking each other out
 Sydney had a blast playing with Rudy.  Rudy followed Sydney everywhere she went, probably because she was feeding him :)
 Checking out a park near our house... they both loved the swings!
 I love this picture because they are looking at each other
 Time to check out the animals at the zoo!
Sydney, Ricki, me, and Logan
Logan passed out at the zoo
Marcy brought Alex and Evan over for dinner on Thursday night, I think they are showing Sydney their cool games on their iPads.
Clap, clap, clap!  
Sydney showing Logan how the toy works
When it was time to put the kids to bed, Alex wanted to read Sydney a book, it was so cute!
We went to the Train Park on Friday, the weather was perfect and the kids loved the train ride.

 Logan's face is priceless when going though the tunnel on the train
 Ricki and Sydney
 Logan enjoying the carousel 
 Sydney went down the slide all by herself!
 Are they cute, or what?
We had so much fun with Ricki and Sydney and hope to see them again soon! Thanks for visiting us!

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