Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Swimming, Swimming in a Swimming Pool.....

Last week I went to watch Evan and Alex swim with my parents.  While I was there, one of the instructors approached me about starting swim lessons with Logan.  They told us that lessons are free until the baby turns 6 months, so I thought, why not?!?!?   Alex (my friend, not my nephew) and Tori thought it was a great idea so the 3 of us took our boys for their first swim lesson on Nov 29, 2011 at Hubbard Swim School.  Logan and Wyatt LOVED it, while Cole was a little apprehensive at first.  It was so cute to see them enjoying being in the water and it also gave us more time to bond with the little guys.
 Lets see how this goes...
 My little swimmer and me
 Time to get used to being in the water
 The instructor showing us how to get the babies used to the water
 Wyatt checking on Cole to see if he's enjoying himself
 Logan posing for a picture
1, 2, 3 under, time to get his head and face wet... which he didn't mind :)

 Logan working on back floating, he did great!
 Wyatt and Logan back floating (with help from Alex and me). And yes, Alex and I are in the same swimsuit :)
 Logan checking himself out in the mirror
 Cole and Wyatt looking in the mirrors while I fix mine since Logan knocked it over
We had so much fun at swim and can't wait to take the boys back next week!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

Logan's first Thanksgiving was a blast!  My mom cooked a FABULOUS meal and we hosted Thanksgiving at our house this year.  The Tyree family came over and Alex and Evan had fun playing with Logan and all of his toys.  (I don't think they know that most of them are their old toys)
 My fabulous parents.... still in love after so many years together!
 Not sure what Logan is looking at in this picture.
 My beautiful and happy baby and me!  I'm so thankful to have him in my life!  I love being his mommy!
 I think he was a little upset from all the pictures.... or the outfit :) 
 More picture of Logan!
 Check out the turkey on his butt!
 Grammy and Pa with their grandson.
 My favorite picture.... Logan is so loved by his grammy!
 Logan, Pa, me and Grammy
 Tri and his "mini me" on Logan's first Turkey Day
 Checking out my new toy that Pa put together.  Don't tell my PT that I'm playing in this :)
 The beautiful table.
 Family picture time
 Silly face!  
 My mommy and me.... thanks for coming out and helping with Logan all week! We love spending time with you!
 Rudy got to enjoy some Thanksgiving dinner too 
 Alex and Evan showing Logan all the fun stuff on his exersaucer
 Grammy and Evan showing Logan how the toy works
 Pa and Logan.... I think my dad could sit and hold Logan for hours
 Me, Wes, Evan and my mom
 Alex showing Logan and my dad how he plays on the iPad
 Uncle Wes helping Logan stand and take a couple of steps (ok... Wes did all the work)

 My parents with their 3 grandsons.
This picture is off center because my dad took it, but its a great pic of the 3 Berger women.
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving and were sad to see my parents leave.  We can't wait to see them in a couple of weeks when we head to St. Louis to celebrate our cousin, Whitey's wedding!  

Logan's Baby Naming Ceremony

On November 20, 2011 we had Logan's baby naming at our house. Cantor Bernie who officiated our wedding ceremony performed the ceremony. Logan was surrounded by friends and family. His Hebrew name is after my grandma Selma (my dad's mom). We hope he grows up to be as strong of a person as she was... we miss her dearly.
 Logan with Izzi and Nina, all dressed up in his suit
 Logan and Chu Tam
 Han Le, Chu Tam, Logan, Co Cuc, me and cousin Trang
 Thim Han, Chu Tam, Logan, Trang, Co Cuc and Chu Van
 Tri and his mini me, dressed in matching outfits... aren't they cute?
 The Nguyen Family
 The Tyree Family
My parents saying the grandparent prayer for Logan
Cousin Katie & Alex
Time for challah!
Logan and is godmother, Auntie Marcy
Evan & Pa
Kisses for Grammy, from Evan
Marcy and Logan
 My parents with Alex & Evan

 Logan getting blessed
 Time for some wine on the binkie

 Izzi, Anessa and Alex playing on the iPad
 Logan with Co Cuc.  Co Cuc came all the way from California to meet Logan!
 Logan sitting on his daddy's shoulders (with help from Co Cuc)
 I think we all know who Logan looks like..... his daddy!
 Izzi and Alex
 Pa, Grammy, Logan, Co Cuc and Chu Van.  Grammy and Pa flew in from St. Louis for the naming ceremony
 Grammy, Tri, Logan and Co Cuc
 The Arellanes Family, Tri and Logan
 Co Cuc spending time with her favorite nephew ;)

 We had to get a picture of Rudy.  Izzi was excited to play with Rudy all weekend.
Thanks to everyone who traveled from out of town to attend Logan's baby naming ceremony.  The ceremony was beautiful and we are thankful that our son is loved by all our friends and family.