Sunday, November 6, 2011

Trick or Treat: Halloween 2011

On Halloween evening we went to Ken and Michelle's house to take the kids trick or treating in their neighborhood.  Their neighborhood is very kid-friendly and the houses are always decorated so neat.  Even though Logan didn't get any candy, we had a blast!  It was so much fun watching the other kids trick or treat, they loved it and had fabulous costumes.
 Anessa holding Logan, she just loves holding him, it's so cute!  As soon as we walked in she said, "Can I hold Logan?" 
 Ken with Logan and Anessa
 Of course, Logan was SUPERMAN for Halloween!

 Ethan was such a cute puppy!
 Logan all buckled in and ready to go trick or treating.
 Kathan and Kiran were dressed as green eggs and ham.... it was adorable!
 First stop, scary decorations with a sign they were already out of candy :(
 The kids trick or treating.
 Logan hanging out with a skeleton. 
 Evan was the cutest Batman ever!
 More candy please.  We were so impressed with how polite the kids were, they said please and thank you to everyone that handed out candy. 
 On to the next house....
 Cool decorations!  Alex and Anessa were inseparable that evening.  Anessa was Jasmine and Alex was Superwhy. 

 Kiran and Kathan taking a break before the next house.
We had a fabulous evening and can't wait to go trick or treating with everyone next year!!!

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