Thursday, November 3, 2011

Halloween Celebration at Moms on the Move (Mom's Group)

Our Halloween started a little early. On Thursday Oct 27th we celebrated Halloween at the mom's group at Scottsdale Shea.  Logan dressed as a pea in the pod. The kids were all dressed so cute and its been a great way for Logan and me to make new friends. It's kind of funny because most of his friends there are boys, I guess it was the season of boys!
 Logan and his friend Sanjay. His mommy, Lanka and I kept referring to them as the produce section.
 Tori and Cole the turtle
 Alex and Wyatt
 My sleeping pea in the pod and me
 Pooped out from all the fun
 Kelly and Carson (his twin Cohen was taking a nap in his car seat)
 He's awake!
All the moms and their babies.  Happy Halloween!!!

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