Sunday, November 6, 2011

Pumpkin Carving at the Tyree House

Last year Tri and I went to the Tyree's house to carve pumpkins and this year we went again, guess it's becoming a tradition.  We had so much fun, probably more fun than the kids :) Logan slept the entire time and the smell/sight of the pumpkin "goo" made Alex feel yucky, poor guy.  Here are some pictures from our evening together.  
 I'm tracing Kermit and Alex is checking out the inside of the pumpkin.  I think this is the last time he looked in it.
 All of us hard at work.  Of course, Tri is videotaping the evening, I can't wait to see the video!
 Alex and me with my stencil and Kermit pumpkin.
 Evan LOVES Batman. Whenever we see him, he's always wearing a Batman shirt, so it was a no-brainer that his pumpkin should be Batman.  Wes did a great job carving it for him.
 Logan missing out on the fun, hopefully next year he will enjoy carving pumpkins with his cousins.
 Since Marcy is always taking the pictures, we have a lot of pictures of Wes, the kids and me.... here's another one!
 Evan giving hugs to Uncle Tri.  I love the bond that Tri has formed with Alex and Evan, he loves them and they love him soooo much!
The finished products: Kermit, Batman and Mickey Mouse.  

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